Another highly successful edition of the IRG Training Worskhop on Fibre deployment took place from 3rd to 5th July 2019 in Brussels.
For the 14th consecutive year, the European Spectrum Management Conference will provide a meeting place for the region's most influential spectrum policymakers and thought leaders.This event will take place as part of The Global Spectrum Series - the World's largest collection of…
On 22-23 January 2019, Forum Europe will hold the 3rd Annual European Conference on 5G in Brussels.The programme will focus on the current state of play of 5G in the world and will offer a better understanding on the timeline for deployment of 5G in Europe. It will also provide insights on coverage…
FSR Communications & Media organises a seminar on for National Regulators and Judges on market regulation in Brussels on 25 January 2019. The conference will provide participants with a forum for exchanging national experience and best practices to learn about regulatory…
The FSR Annual Training provides a comprehensive interdisciplinary programme on the legal, economic, policy and regulatory issues faced by the regulatory authorities, market players and policy makers in the electronic communications sector and the digital world.The edition of the programme…
The European University Institute (EUI) and Bird & Bird LLP will organise a Brussels Seminar on ‘EU competition law vs. sector regulation in shaping the Digital Single Market - Back to the Future?’ on 28 June 2018.The seminar will gather academics, practitioners, officials from national…
The Annual Scientific Seminar, organised by the Florence School of Regulation and the Florence Competition Programme in Law and Economics (FCP) will focus on regulation and pluralism in the online world. The training will take place in Florence, on 22-23 March.To consult the programme and…
With Europe now almost 18 months in to the roadmap laid out by the Commission’s communication package ‘Connectivity for a European Gigabit Society’, The European 5G Conference will look at the progress that has been made to date and the challenges ahead for policymakers and stakeholders.Focusing on…
The Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies (RSCAS) of the European University Institute (EUI) launches a call for applications for the second edition of the Annual Training of the Florence Competition Programme in Law & Economics.The Annual Training will provide an overview of recent…
ComReg - the Commission for Communications Regulation in Ireland - is hosting a conference on 24 October (Dublin).The conference will focus the Irish telecoms landscape and its future development. Various national and international high-level speakers will reflect on the…