The Independent Regulators Group (IRG) is happy to hold its first Internal Capacity-Building in Frauenfeld (Switzerland) from 14 to 17 April 2014. The IRG Secretariat in close collaboration with two of its members (ComCom/Bakom and AKOS) have organised to leverage and exchange the internal knowledge of its experts in NGA/NGNs and best practices among NRAs for benefit of all interested IRG members’ experts.
In times of scarce resources, the opportunity of promoting internal capacity building has become an asset. Given the current regulatory activities and recent policy developments in view to complete the targets set by the Digital Agenda, NGA/NGNs discussions are strategic for Europe.
The IRG workshop will cover and address NGA/NGNs from several perspectives: technology (theory and practice), theoretical economic and the regulatory perspectives as well as national cases.
Should you need further information, please contact the IRG Secretariat at secretariat[@]